CHOICE 1: Raise Price with No Change in Performance and Cost
CHOICE 2: Isolate the segments who must pay the price increase
For a complete explanation of this process, or details of these steps, please review the Directions to Raise Price to Improve Revenues and Margins.
All Segments Choice 3>>
Customer segments who are captive to the company due to a unique Performance benefit
Due to a unique Reliability Choice 3>>
Due to a unique Convenience Choice 3>>
Segments of customers where competitors cannot counter the company’s change in Value
Segments of customers where competitors are likely to be unwilling to counter the company’s change in Value
Customer segments who purchase products with higher Cost components Choice 3>>
Customer segments with high servicing cost Choice 3>>
Customer segments making higher than average use of capacity Choice 3>>
Customer segments purchasing during a period of unbalanced supply and demand Choice 3>>
Segments served by competitors likely to follow the Price increase Choice 3>>
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