Reduce Price to Improve Revenues and Margins


C. Competitor Supplier Segments

Individual Customer Segment

No. SIC Year Notes
1 2000 2008 Supermarkets push back against food companies that are reporting profit increases. The pressure isn't limited to price cuts. Some retailers demand concessions such as better service, more leeway in discounting and special promotions.
2 3442 2005 One company sets its price by product. It then makes exceptions to tht price for individual customers as they run into competition. The company will also discount prices to help the customer's customer complete.
3 4724 2006 Sites like Priceline and Hotwire operate with an opaque pricing system, in which the customer does not know the name of the supplier or the schedule before a nonrefundable reservation for airline tickets, hotel rooms or rental cars are made.
4 5511 2007 Haggling over prices has become widely unappealing. 65% of car buyers say they'd rather not haggle. Women are particularly adverse to the tactics.
5 7514 1989 Rental rates for corporate customers negotiating new contracts are about the same as a year ago. The biggest customers are getting the lowest rates.

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