Example #2: Sales Growth

Volatility and Sales Growth Example #2: Sales Growth
Beginning of Period
Customers in Market Amt Purch from all Suppliers Primary Supplier Primary Supplier % of Cust Purch Units of Sale by Primary Supp Secondary Supplier Secondary Supp % of Cust Purch Units of Sale by Secondary Supp
Customer A 1500 Supplier 1 60% 900 Supplier 2 40% 600
Customer B 1200 Supplier 1 80% 960 Supplier 2 20% 240
Customer C 1000 Supplier 2 50% 500 Supplier 3 50% 500
Customer D 0 None 0% 0 None 0% 0
Total 3700 2360 1340
Suppliers in Market Amount
% Total Market Share
Supplier 1 1860 50.3%
Supplier 2 1340 36.2%
Supplier 3 500 13.5%
Total 3700 100.0%
End of Period
Customers in Market Amt Purch from all Suppliers Primary Supplier Primary Supplier % of Cust Purch Units of Sale by Primary Supp Secondary Supplier Secondary Supp % of Cust Purch Units of Sale by Secondary Supp
Customer A 2000 Supplier 1 60% 1200 Supplier 2 40% 800
Customer B 1200 Supplier 1 80% 960 Supplier 2 20% 240
Customer C 1000 Supplier 2 50% 500 Supplier 3 50% 500
Customer D 0 None 0% 0 None 0% 0
Total 4200 2660 1540
Suppliers in Market Amount
% Total Market Share
Supplier 1 2160 51.4%
Supplier 2 1540 36.7%
Supplier 3 500 11.9%
Total 4200 100.0%

Summary of Changes During Period
Supplier Change in Unit Sales Volume % Volume Change from Beginning to End Net Unit Volatility in Volume Change Volatility as % of Unit Sales Volume Change Customer Growth in Volume Change Customer Growth as % of Unit Sales Volume Change
Supplier 1 300 16.1% 0 0% 300 100%
Supplier 2 200 14.9% 0 0% 200 100%
Supplier 3 0 0.0% 0 0% 0 0%
Total 500 13.5% 0 0% 500 100%

Explanation: In this example, Customer A increases its total purchases from 1500 in the Beginning Period to 2000 at the End of Period. No customer changed its purchase allocations to suppliers. The market grows from 3700 units total sales to 4200 units total sales. Both Supplier 1 and Supplier 2 had sales growth during the period, as did the total market.