
This section is intended solely to help you diagnose market pricing for your business and to save you time and cost in gaining a good understanding of your business situation.

Once you have completed this section, your next step would be to move to the Improve Pricing section.

Throughout the text, you will find links to information that offer further insight on the topic. The green links are glossary pop-up boxes. In addition, at the end of each section, you will find questions and links to analyses that will guide you through your diagnosis.



Part 1: Industry Price Outlook

Part 2: Company Price Environment

Part 3: Price Change Opportunities

Part 4: Pricing Process

Part 5: Price Segments and Components

This section covers most of the questions you must answer to develop a successful pricing policy. Turn next to the Improve Pricing section to develop new ideas for your future pricing policy.

<<Summary Points Outline

Next: Introduction
