Final Customer Purchasing from the Product Producer

Use Steps: Use steps include all the customer's value added activities or the consumption of the product itself. These steps include all the costs the customer incurs in employing the product in its intended use.

Experience: Enhance the experience the customer has with the product

2. Associate the company or the product with an image to increase customer pleasure in using the product

C. Project an image of the values of the firm

Caring or committed to community

Support the interests of a community

No. SIC Year Note
1 2024 2000 Unilever, the world's largest ice-cream-maker is paying $236 million to acquire Ben & Jerry's. Ben & Jerry's will continue manufacturing exclusively in Vermont, paying a premium for milk from the state's dairy farmers.
2 2241 2005 Renfro Corp. is one of the largest sock companies in the world. The company makes more than a million pairs a day with more than 4,500 workers from North Carolina to Mexico and Turkey. The company plans to add China to its production empire. However the China operation will not ship as many socks as the operations in America because of the curb the Bush Administration put on Chinese socks. The campaign for the restrictions is led by Alabama Footwear Inc. Several industry associations have split between outsourcing multinationals and the suppliers who work is being outsourced.
3 3692 1991 Companies are trying to capitalize on the perception that rechargeable batteries are less harmful to the environment.
4 3711 1990 Honda's new ads tout its commitment to America, showing its ties to American culture and its American-made exports to Japan. Toyota's ads pitch it as an American-style practitioner of corporate good citizenship. The ads describe community programs.
5 5711 1999 Ford and GM are waging a battle to win over consumers in Europe. Unlike in America, Europeans most cope with chronic highway congestion and fuel prices as high as $5 a gallon. The exterior of European cars are getting smaller as carmakers are being pressed to "go green." DaimlerChrysler grabbed attention with its tiny SMART car but sales fell short of expectations.
6 5812 1986 McDonald's uses advertising and community involvement to reach Spanish-speakers.
7 8600 1984 Club Corp. scores points with some executives because it tries to discourage discrimination. The company likes to get blacks, Jews, women, and people in their 30s to serve on boards.
8 913 2004 Most imported shrimp is farmed, while most U.S. shrimp is wild. Some people say that wild shrimp or domestically farmed shrimp are better because of the belief that farming practices in developing countries damage coastal ecosystems. Domestic suppliers play on this image. Shrimp importers strongly dispute this.

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