Costs Blogs

Acquisitions to Gain Product Capability

Apple's Future in Smart Phones – Part I

Apple's Future in Smart Phones – Part II

Avoiding Wastage of Resources

Big Cost Differences in an Industry – Part 1

Big Cost Differences in an Industry – Part 2

The Brand is Worth More than the Land

But Can You Control Other Entrants?

Can the Small Survive?

Capacity Reduction to Raise Prices

The Causes and Symptoms of Overcapacity

Commodity Pricing

A Concentrated Industry

Consolidation as Growth Slows

Consolidation in the Waste Industry

Cost in Two Hostile Industries

Cost Reduction by Redesigning the Product

Cost Standards Come to the Service Industry

Creating Economies of Scale in the Auto Industry

Debt Crisis: Worse than Some Commentators Tell Us

The Decline of an Industry Leader

Defending the Low-Cost Position

Delivering More by Offering Less

Digits Save Lives…and Costs by Improving Efficiency

Digits Save Lives…and Costs by Improving Effectiveness

Dis-Economies of Scale

Divorce that Customer?

Economies of Scale at Work…and Not

The End of This Story is Predictable

Evolution of Markets: Patterns in Steel, Auto and Airframe Industries

The Fate of Price Point Specialists in Hostility

Fewer Customers? Cut Capacity

Finding a Home for Orphaned Products

The Future of Starbucks

Garmin Tail Wags the Dog

Green Shoots in Attitudes and Jobs

GM and Sears…Slip Sliding Away

GM in a No Win Position

Good Market Share. Fast Growth. No Profits. Why?

Health Care Costs – Our Future

Here We Go Again

How 'Bout We Throttle This Golden Goose?

How the High End Company is Vulnerable

How Hostility Starts

HP and EDS: The Cost Case

HP and EDS: The Conclusion

I Guess It Takes Bankruptcy…

"Illogical" Pricing

Impressive Results from a Change in Pricing Strategy

Industry Capacity Expansion Despite Overcapacity

Layoffs, Expectations and the Economy

Let Someone Else Pay the Freight

Low-End Competitor Exposes Fundamental Strategic Errors of the Leaders

A Low-End Competitor with Low Industry Costs

Masters of the Cost Cutting Universe

The Math Still Works

Meeting a Challenge from Below

More Steel Capacity. Why?

National Costs in a Global Economy

Nearing End Game for Domestic Auto Industry

New Capacity in a Shrinking Market

One Up, One Down, One Sideways

The Ostrich Syndrome

Patterns of Cost Reduction

The Picture of a Predator

Price Increases in a Recession

Price Leaders Against Standard Leaders in Troubled Times

Pricing Flexibility

Pricing in a Profitable Market

Pricing in Today's Airline Industry – Part 1

A Pyrrhic Victory?

Reality Strikes Discount Air Carriers

Recycling of Capacity in a Tough Market

Reducing Costs by Eliminating Non-Productive Input

Reducing Costs by Paying a Lower Rate for Your Inputs

Reducing Costs by Redesigning Products and Processes

Saving Jobs by Outsourcing

Service Levels Go Up, Not Down, in Hostility

Situation Bad, About to be Worse

Sometimes Smaller is Better

Sony in the Game Business

Southwest: Joining the Legacy Airlines?

Spread Fixed Cost Activities Over More Sales Volume to Reduce Costs

The Tables Have Turned

A Tale of Colorblindness Lost

The Two Best Consultants in the World Warn the Associated Press

Two Pathways to Low Cost

Union Negotiations during Good Times

What Happens When Giants Rumble

Whirlpool and Electrolux Blink

Why Overcapacity Often Gets Worse

Will a Partial Silver Strategy Work for United

A Win Win Cost Reduction/Performance Innovation in the Cell Phone Industry

Yep, Those Germans are the Problem


If you face a competitive marketplace, read these blogs. We wrote them to help you make better decisions on segments, products, prices and costs based on the experience of companies in over 85 competitive industries. Much of the world suffered a severe recession from 2008 to 2011. During that time, we wrote more than 270 blogs using publicly available information and our Strategystreet system to project what would happen in various companies and industries who were living in those hostile environments. In 2022, we updated each of these blogs to describe what later took place. You can use these updated blogs to see how the Strategystreet system works and how it can lead you to better decisions.