Products & Services Blogs
Acquisitions to Gain Product Capability
The Advent of the F-commerce Revolution
Always Low Prices Meets Lower Prices
Amazon's Blockbuster Innovation
Another Quieter Challenge from Below
Another High Growth Industry Comes Under Assault
Apple Gets Crossways with App Developers
Apple's Future in Smart Phones – Part I
Applie's Future in Smart Phones – Part II
Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid…Oh, Never Mind
Blockbuster versus Netflix…Again
The Brand is Worth More than the Land
Cable TV and Customer Retention
Can a High-End Guy Hit the Mass Market?
The Causes and Symptoms of Overcapacity
Competing Against Low-End Competition
Convenience and Reliability Innovations in a Fast-Growing Market
The Decline of an Industry Leader
Defending the Low-Cost Position
Delivering More by Offering Less
Digits Save Lives…and Costs by Improving Effectiveness
Digits Save Lives…and Costs by Improving Efficiency
Direct Edge – A Transformer Next Leader Product
Evolution of the Smart Phone Market
The Exceptional Growth of a Price Leader Product
The Fall of an Industry Leader – Part I
A Fast Growing Market Begins Developing Reliability and Convenience Innovations
A Fast-Growing Market Under Attack from Below
The Fate of Price Point Specialists in Hostility
The Flexibility of a Great Retailer
Function Innovation in a Service Industry
Future Trouble for the Branded Foods Industry
GM and Sears…Slip Sliding Away
GM Goes for Help with its Used Cars
Good Market Share. Fast Growth. No Profits. Why?
Good News and Bad News of Reliability in Product Innovation
Google versus Microsoft in the Office
High Growth and Falling Profits
Hit Them on Both Sides of the Head
How the High End Company is Vulnerable
How to Become the Industry Leader
How to Fail in a Market You Dominate
The Importance of Consistency in the Approach to Pricing
Industry Evolution Forces Cost Management
Industry Leader Preempts the Low End of the Market
Just when they thought it was safe…
Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg
Lagging Badly Pedaling Downhill
A Low-End Competitor with Low Industry Costs
The Low-End Competitor May Not Stay at the Low End
Market Share at the Low End of the Market
Market Share Volatility in a Fast Growing Market
Meeting a Challenge from Below
Microsoft is Leaving Money on the Table
Microsoft Office versus Google Apps
Microsoft Phone 7 – A Long Row to Hoe
Nearing End Game for Domestic Auto Industry
New Product in a Fast Growing Industry: Bing
New Product in a Fast Growing Industry: The Pre
New Product in a Fast Growing Industry: Verizon in Cloud Computers
News Corp Responds to the "Free" Market
Nokia Makes a Bet in the Smart Phone Market
One Up, One Down, One Sideways
Paying Attention to Low-End Competitors
The Power of Low-End Products for Industry Leaders
The Price Advantage of Reliability
Price Leaders Against Standard Leaders in Troubled Times
A Price Leader Enters the Performance Leader Market
Price Leader Expansion Under Standard Leader Umbrella
A Price Leader Market and Competitor
Pricing Against a High-Priced Product
Pricing in Today's Airline Industry – Part 2
Product Innovation Using Twitter and Tweetups – Part 1
Product Innovation Using Twitter and Tweetups – Part 2
Reducing the Customer's Hassle Factor??
Reliability Measures: The Good News and the Bad News
Retailers as the Source of Creativity
Schlitz, Lessons from the Past
The Schwab Credit Card and What it Tells Us
Service Levels to Go, Not Down, in Hostility
A Silver Competitor Follows the Wrong Strategy
A Standard Leader Blocks the Price Leader Competitor
Standard Leader Expands in Tough Market and Uses Price
There is a New (Rich) Sucker Born Every Minute
The Two Best Consultants in the World Warn the Associated Press
Two Companies Who Perform Well in Good or Bad Markets
An Update on Cutting Capacity to Raise Prices
Using Finance to Reduce a Price
Value in Two Hostile Industries
Wal-Mart and the Customer Buying Hierarchy
What's Missing in Internet Retailing
Will a Partial Silver Strategy Work for United
A Win on Both Price and Convenience
Winning and Failing in a Marketplace
A Win Win Cost Reduction/Performance Innovation in the Cell Phone Industry
If you face a competitive marketplace, read these blogs. We wrote them to help you make better decisions on segments, products, prices and costs based on the experience of companies in over 85 competitive industries. Much of the world suffered a severe recession from 2008 to 2011. During that time, we wrote more than 270 blogs using publicly available information and our Strategystreet system to project what would happen in various companies and industries who were living in those hostile environments. In 2022, we updated each of these blogs to describe what later took place. You can use these updated blogs to see how the Strategystreet system works and how it can lead you to better decisions.