Segmentation Blogs

Acquisitions to Gain Product Capability

The Advent of the F-commerce Revolution

Always Low Prices Meets Lower Prices

Amazon's Blockbuster Innovation

An Answer for Pizza Problems?

Another Creative Pricing Scheme

Another Quieter Challenge from Below

Apple's Future in Smart Phones- Part I

Apple's Future in Smart Phones – Part II

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid…Oh, Never Mind

Cable TV and Customer Retention

Can a High End Guy Hit the Mass Market?

The Causes and Symptoms of Overcapacity

Coming Back from the Dead

The Company Did Not Get an Invitation

Consolidation as Growth Slows

Convenience and Reliability Innovations in a Fast-Growing Market

Creating Economies of Scale in the Auto Industry

Delivering More by Offering Less

Direct Edge – A Transformer Next Leader Product

Discounts – Much Greater Than Most Assume

Dominick's Finds a Way to Reduce Price…Successfully

The ETF Arms Race

Evolution of the Smart Phone Market

The Fall of an Industry Leader – Part I

A Fast Growing Market Begins Developing Reliability and Convenience Innovations

Fish or Fowl?

GM's China Problem

Google at Risk

Hit Them on Both Sides of the Head

Hostility's End Game

How Hostility Starts

How to Become the Industry Leader

HP and EDS: The Customer Case

HP and EDS: The Conclusion

Industry Evolution Forces Cost Management

International versus U.S. Growth

Investment Turf Wars

The iPhone versus the iPhone

Is the Mojo Coming Back?

The Japanese Pay the Price

Lagging Badly Pedaling Downhill

Market Share Volatility in a Fast Growing Market

Meeting a Challenge from Below

Microsoft is Leaving Money on the Table

Microsoft Office versus Google Apps

Microsoft Phone 7 – A Long Row to Hoe

New Product in a Fast Growing Industry: Bing

New Product in a Fast Growing Industry: The Pre

New Product in a Fast Growing Industry: Verizon in Cloud Computing

News Corp Responds to the "Free" Market

No Red Letter Day for BlueStar

Nokia Makes a Bet in the Smart Phone Market

Paying Attention to Low-End Competitors

P&G Takes Off the Gloves

The Picture of a Predator

Price Competition in a Falling Price Environment

Price Leaders Against Standard Leaders in Troubled Times

A Price Leader Market and Competitor

Pricing in the Dog Days of August

Pricing in Today's Airline Industry – Part 2

Product Innovation Using Twitter and Tweetups – Part 1

Product Innovation Using Twitter and Tweetups – Part 2

Reliability in High-End Cars

Reality in Tough Markets

Retailers as the Source of Creativity

Service Levels Go Up, Not Down, in Hostility

A Silver Competitor Follows the Wrong Strategy

Sometimes Smaller is Better

Southwest: Joining the Legacy Airlines?

Sprint Nextel's Stumble

To Bundle or Not to Bundle, That is the Question

A Tale of Colorblindness Lost

Toyota's Good News/Bad News Story

The Two Best Consultants in the World Warn The Associated Press

Two Companies Who Perform Well in Good or Bad Markets

Using Finance to Reduce a Price

What's Missing in Internet Retailing

Will a Partial Silver Strategy Work for United

You Mean I Have to Pay for This?

Vanguard vs. Fidelity

Wal-Mart and the Customer Buying Hierarchy

Winning and Failing in a Marketplace


If you face a competitive marketplace, read these blogs. We wrote them to help you make better decisions on segments, products, prices and costs based on the experience of companies in over 85 competitive industries. Much of the world suffered a severe recession from 2008 to 2011. During that time, we wrote more than 270 blogs using publicly available information and our Strategystreet system to project what would happen in various companies and industries who were living in those hostile environments. In 2022, we updated each of these blogs to describe what later took place. You can use these updated blogs to see how the Strategystreet system works and how it can lead you to better decisions.