Pricing Blogs
Abercrombie – Recovering in a Falling Price Environment
Amazon's Blockbuster Innovation
Another Creative Pricing Scheme
Another High Profit Industry Comes Under Assault
Apple Gets Crossways with App Developers
Another Quieter Challenge from Below
Apple's Future in Smart Phones – Part I
Apple's Future in Smart Phones – Part II
Blockbuster versus Netflix…Again
But Can You Control Other Entrants?
Cable TV and Customer Retention
Capacity Reduction to Raise Prices
The Causes and Symptoms of Overcapacity
Competing Against Low-End Competition
Constrictions in Conponents Supply Support Higher Prices
Creative Price Reductions to Gain Share
Did Amazon Leave Money on the Table?
Discounts – Much Greater Than Most Assume
Dominick's Finds a Way to Reduce Price…Successfully
The End of a Local Leader's Trap
Evolution of Markets: Patterns in Steel, Auto and Airframe Industries
Evolution of the Smart Phone Market
The Exceptional Growth of a Price Leader Product
The Fall of an Industry Leader – Part II
A Fast-Growing Market Under Attack from Below
The Flexibility of a Great Retailer
Future Trouble for the Branded Foods Industry
GM Goes for Help with its Used Cars
Good Market Share. Fast Growth. No Profits. Why?
Google versus Microsoft in the Office
A High End Retailer in a Leader's Trap
High Growth and Falling Profits
Hit Them on Both Sides of the Head
The Holiday Season: The Most Createive Pricing Season We Have
How to Fail in a Market You Dominate
The Importance of Consistency in the Approach to Pricing
Impressive Results from a Change in Pricing Strategy
Industry Contraction Exposes Potential Low Price Points
Industry Leader Preempts the Low End of the Market
Just when they thought it was safe…
Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg
Low-End Competitor Exposes Fundamental Strategic Errors of the Leaders
A Low-End Competitor with Low Industry Costs
Market Share at the Low End of the Market
Market Share Volatility in a Fast Growing Market
Meeting a Challenge from Below
Microsoft Gets Price Warnings from Competitors
Microsoft Gets Price Warnings from its Customers
New Capacity in a Shrinking Market
News Corp Responds to the "Free" Market
No Red Letter Day for BlueStar
The Price Advantage of Reliability
Price Competition in a Falling Price Environment
A Price Leader Market and Competitor
Price Increases in a Recession
Price Increases in the Time of a Sales Decline
Price Leaders against Standard Leaders in Troubled Times
A Price Leader Enters the Performance Leader Market
Price Leader Expansion Under Standard Leader Umbrella
Pricing Against a High-End Product
Pricing Confusion and its Aftermath
Pricing in the Dog Days of August
Pricing in Highly Competitive Marketplaces
Pricing in a Profitable Market
Pricing in Today's Airline Industry – Part 1
Pricing in Today's Airline Industry – Part 2
A Pricing Scheme Guaranteed to Fail
Punch and Counterpunch in the Online Airline Industry
Recycling of Capacity in a Tough Market
Rising Prices in the Face of Falling Demand
The Schwab Credit Card and What it Tells Us
Service Levels Go Up, Not Down, in Hostility
Situation Bad, About to be Worse
Slowing a Price Decline with a Low-Priced Product
Standard Leader Expands in Tough Market and Uses Price
There is a New (Rich) Sucker Born Every Minute
This Leader's Trap Comes to a Quick End
To Bundle or Not to Bundle, That is the Question
The Two Best Consultants in the World Warn the Associated Press
An Update on Cutting Capacity to Raise Prices
Using Finance to Reduce a Price
Variable Pricing to Shift Demand and Increase Revenues
What Happens When Giants Rumble?
Why Overcapacity Often Gets Worse
Will a Partial Silver Strategy Work for United
A Win on Both Price and Convenience
A Win Win Cost Reduction/Performance Innovation in the Cell Phone Industry
You Mean I Have to Pay for This?
Wal-Mart and the Customer Buying Hierarchy
If you face a competitive marketplace, read these blogs. We wrote them to help you make better decisions on segments, products, prices and costs based on the experience of companies in over 85 competitive industries. Much of the world suffered a severe recession from 2008 to 2011. During that time, we wrote more than 270 blogs using publicly available information and our Strategystreet system to project what would happen in various companies and industries who were living in those hostile environments. In 2022, we updated each of these blogs to describe what later took place. You can use these updated blogs to see how the Strategystreet system works and how it can lead you to better decisions.