Brainstorming Ideas: Final Customer Purchasing from the Producer of the Product
Final customer buying from a product producer. Final or end-user customers incur four cost steps in connection with the product sold by a producer.
Acquire Steps: Acquire steps include all activities the customer completes preceding the use or the consumption of the product. These steps include the customer's efforts needed for evaluation and acquisition of the product.
Knowledge: Add knowledge
Company and Products – Help customers recognize and recall name of company and its products.
Warnings and advice
Build entirely new brand
Use an existing company-owned brand
Borrow equity of another company's brand
Use licensed properties Examples>>
Use brand of a strong marketing partner
Market through a partner specialized in serving a niche segment of customers and who uses your brand to assist in marketing their product Examples>>
Sell to original equipment manufacturers, who use their brands on your product Examples>>
Create joint venture marketing allianc where both partners market their brands together Examples>>
Other Examples>>
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