Final Customer Purchasing from the Product Producer

Maintain Steps: Maintain steps include all activities required to keep the product in working order. These steps include the costs the customer incurs to diagnose and correct product problems.

Intellectual: Segment customers on the basis of their current knowledge and understanding of the company and its products

A. Knowledge of company and company product

1. Familiarity with company and brand, crossing all products

Customer knows both the channel and producer brands

No. SIC Year Note
1 3674 2004 Microsoft rolled out its long-awaited Windows XP service pack 2, or SP2, fixing a weakness in Windows XP that lets viruses into computers. AMD's flagship Athlon 64 chip is the only PC processor today that's able to utilize the software fix, due to its enhanced virus protection, or EVP. AMD has a tremendous amount of marketing promotions planned based on this advantage.

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