Final Customer Purchasing from the Product Producer

Maintain Steps: Maintain steps include all activities required to keep the product in working order. These steps include the costs the customer incurs to diagnose and correct product problems.

Emotional: Segment customers according to the personal emotional needs of the segment.

B. Needs to avoid sources of anxiety

4. Health limitations: Find customer segments with health problems or concerns

Customer groups with health problems

Specific disease or problem

No. SIC Year Note
1 1531 1997 Sun City Georgetown is on target opening an on-site clinic affiliated with Scott & White Memorial Hospital in nearby Temple.
2 2800 2004 Boston Scientific said its new Taxus drug-coated stint is proving a strong competitor to Johnson & Johnson's Cypher. The stints are the first of the new generation of devices coated with drugs aimed at preventing the arteries from closing again. Boston Scientific is beginning a trial to monitor any possible side-effects such as blood clots.
3 3021 2004 The new Adidas shoe, called the Adidas 1, contains a microprocessor placed under the arch of the foot to measure the compression of a runner's stride.

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