Brainstorming Ideas: A Final Customer Purchasing from the Producer of the Product
A Final customer buying from a product producer. The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Some Final customers purchase directly from the producer of a product.
Acquire Steps: Acquire steps include all activities the customer completes preceding the use or the consumption of the product. These steps include the customer's efforts needed for evaluation and acquisition of the product.
2. Emotional: Segment customers according to the personal emotional needs of the segment.
Needs for comfort and status
Needs to avoid sources of anxiety
Risks in relationship
Limitations set by time
ECONOMIC LIMITATIONS: Segment customers according to the limitations set by their economic interests and concerns
Spending power of current or potential segments
Segment's approaches to limit on spending
Segments with preferences for periodic or one time payment Examples>>
Segments who might face psychological spending limits
Customer segments with preferences for price point alternatives to the present product
Higher price point
For more Reliability Examples>>
For more than one Performance benefit category Examples>>
Lower price point
Both higher and lower price points Examples>>
Potential improvement in income of current customers
Savings of potential product vs. current solution
Level of savings over the current product cost system Examples>>
Savings on customer building block costs
People costs Examples>>
Purchases costs – Segment saves purchase costs:
Capital costs – Segment saves capital costs:
Multiple costs – Segment saves multiple costs:
Savings from the creation of economies of scale for customer segments who incur costs at levels above those currently available through economies of scale Examples>>
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