To Complete a Broader Transaction
A Final customer buying from an intermediary of the product The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Most consumer products, and many industrial products, reach Final customers through Intermediaries.
Acquire Steps: Acquire steps include all activities the customer completes preceding the purchase of the product. These steps include the customer's efforts needed to identify and evaluate Intermediaries and travel to the Intermediary location.
2. Emotional:
B. Needs to avoid sources of anxiety
2. Limitations set by time: Segment customers according to the causes of the limitations set by time
d. Time limitations due to the use with other products: Segment customers by their use or purchase of other products with the product. Final customers who use related ancillary products:
3. After using the main product
a. To complete a broader transaction
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1 | 5731 | 2002 | Best Buy, a consumer electronics retailer, relies on warranty as "they subsidize unattractive product sales with low margins." It is the largest consumer electronics store in the U.S., posting $764 million in warranty sales in 2002. The company has more than 1,900 stores that sell personal computers and entertainment software. It operates under banners that include Sam Goody and Musicland. Its sales were around $20 billion in 2002. |
2 | 5411 | 2001 | Big oil companies are freshening up their convenience stores and adding more groceries. Shell Oil Co., a unit of Anglo-Dutch company Royal Dutch/Shell Group, for instance, is testing coffee bars, fresh-baked breads, and a wine section . |
3 | 5541 | 1993 | Many gas stations are cutting back on basic services (checking oil, minor repairs) in favor of increasing special retail. |
4 | 7011 | 2001 | Marriott is offering a new broadcasting business. It will launch a new venture that will transmit meetings and events around the globe via satellite and Webcasts. The idea is to lure new customers and meetings to the chain. The venture will be called "EventCom Technologies by Marriott" but the idea isn't to become a technology provider. Marriott will book meeting space and its hotels and clients' office, set up catering, decorations, camera crews, and arrange satellite broadcasts, video and audio conferences, or Webcasts of meetings for any size. Clients will receive a single invoice for all the services. |