
A Final customer buying from an intermediary of the product The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Most consumer products, and many industrial products, reach Final customers through Intermediaries.

Maintain Steps: Maintain steps include all activities required to keep the product in working order. These steps include the costs the customer incurs to diagnose and correct product problems.

2. Emotional:

B. Needs to avoid sources of anxiety
1. Risks in relationship: The customer segment needs reassurance it can trust:
c. Company Capability: Company capability that crosses all products
1. Function Leader: The company can be counted on to lead the industry in Function innovation
a. Style




1 5611 2002 The new CEO of Jos. A. Banks Clothiers upgraded the quality of all products when he took over in 1999 by eliminating the middleman and having goods made to Banks' specifications. Additionally, instead of buying from a sales rep, as it once did, Banks does the designing in-house, buys the fabric, and tells the outside companies that sew the products what materials to use. Banks now offer several grades of fabric in all products. In suits, they range from luxury wool to lower thread-count varieties.